Primary contact
, Lisboa
Álvaro Pacheco, Diogo Fernandes das Póvoas
Foundation: 1537 (001)
Institutor: Álvaro Pacheco and Diogo Fernandes das Póvoas (001)
Assets: annual rent paid in wheat; property in Lezíria dos Francos; property (casal de Vale de Foio) in the outskirts of Aveiras de Cima; property named Silveira in the outskirts of Azambuja (001)
Chapel location: convent of Nossa Senhora do Monte do Carmo de Lisboa (001)
See Entail Fonds’ AD
INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON ARCHIVES – ISDIAH: International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings: First edition: Developed by the Committee on Best Practices and Standards, London, United Kingdom, 10-11 March 2008.