Primary contact
, Maia
António de Madureira, Maria Fernandes das Póvoas
Foundation: 1554-1563 (001; 001aa)
Institutors: António de Madureira and Maria Fernandes das Póvoas (001; 001aa)
Assets: properties in S. João de Veade, Santo Tirso, Moreira da Maia, Santa Maria de Alvarelhos, S. Pedro de Avioso, Santa Maria de Vilar, S. Pedro de Fajozes, Leça, Alfena, Aguiar de Sousa, Santa Marinha (Gaia), S. Martinho de Lordelo (001)
Chapel location: unspecified location (001)
See Entail Fonds' AD
INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON ARCHIVES – ISDIAH: International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings: First edition: Developed by the Committee on Best Practices and Standards, London, United Kingdom, 10-11 March 2008.
2021.08.23; 2022.10.31; 2023.11.13; 2024.10.16