Primary contact
, Lisboa
Beatriz da Cunha
Foundation: 1604 (001)
Institutor: D. Beatriz da Cunha (001)
After the death of her husband, Simão Monteiro, first administrator of the entail, Beatriz da Cunha established that her entail should be annexed to the one of Lourenço Vaz Testa, in Beja, (VINC003223), of which she had been appointed administrator,
Assets: properties in Lisboa and Torres Vedras (001)
Chapel location: church of the convent of S. Francisco of Lisboa (001)
See Entail Fonds’ AD
INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON ARCHIVES – ISDIAH: International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings: First edition: Developed by the Committee on Best Practices and Standards, London, United Kingdom, 10-11 March 2008.