Primary contact
, Guimarães
Gonçalo Afonso de Cem, Joana Martins Teixeira
Foundation: [before 1454] (001a)
Institutor: Gonçalo Afonso de Cem, Joana Martins Teixeira (001a)
Assets: place of Cadeado, near Cem, casal de Mogilde in Riba de Selho, casal de Vila Pouca, casal in Nogido, estate of Soalhães and another, near Vila Pouca, casais in Delães, casal da Torre, farmstead of Calvos, and other properties (001a)
Chapel location: convent of S. Domingos of Guimarães (001a)
See Entail Fonds’ AD
INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON ARCHIVES – ISDIAH: International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings: First edition: Developed by the Committee on Best Practices and Standards, London, United Kingdom, 10-11 March 2008.