Primary contact
, Free choice location
João de Barros Castelo Branco
Foundation: 1647 (002)
Institutor: João de Barros Castelo Branco (002)
Assets: public debt instrument in Almoxarifado de Portalegre; olive grove called "Cabaceiro" and a mill in the outskirts of Torres Novas; olive oil mill in the place of "Regais" and olive grove in place of "Mosteiro", in the outskirts of Lisboa; olive grove and land in Torres Novas; half of a "serrado de olival" and vineyards (001a, 003, 004, 006, 008)
Chapel location: unspecified location (002)
See Entail Fonds’ AD
INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON ARCHIVES – ISDIAH: International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings: First edition: Developed by the Committee on Best Practices and Standards, London, United Kingdom, 10-11 March 2008.
2020.12.23; 2023.09.14; 2024.04.17